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Chicago Cop Didn’t Realize He Was Photographed, Now It’s Gone Viral For All The Right Reasons


Chicago Cop Sergeant B. Hagarty was eating lunch at a Chipotle when he noticed a guy digging through the trash outside the window. Hagarty got up and stopped the man from going through the trash.

Then he brought him inside….

chicago cop

Another Chipotle customer, Rachel Mitchell, watched the whole interaction. She said that the officer knocked on the window to ask the man if he was hungry. The man outside nodded, so Hagarty motioned for him to come inside the restaurant. Hagerty took the homeless man to the counter and told him to order whatever he wanted, and proceeded to pay for the man’s meal and shake his hand.

Hagarty didn’t know that anyone was watching or taking photos. Mitchell’s photo went viral, however, and the Chicago Police department confirmed that it was, indeed, Hagarty in the photo.

Chicago Cop Post Goes Viral

The Chicago Police Department reposted Mitchell’s post on their Facebook page:

Screen shot 2015-09-09 at 2.32.13 PM

They went on to say:

Screen shot 2015-09-09 at 2.33.45 PM

Exes Ask Each Other Honest Questions And It Gets Super Intense


Warning: graphic language – but that’s because ex stuff is volatile. Is raw, open conversation how to get your ex back?

andrew ali

We don’t usually end relationships with hearts and flowers. It’s a really emotional time, and both parties end up with unfinished business that haunts them for a long time.

Ali and Andrew were hot and heavy in college. They went out for seven whole years. Ali even thought they’d get married someday. But then Andrew cheated on her and the relationship ended.

Even though they hadn’t had contact for two years, they both participated in Glamour magazine’s “The And” project, and the conversation got pretty emotional.

And they find out that they’ve both missed each other a hell of a lot. So maybe it is worth taking that leap of faith after all…

Who says exes have to hate each other?

Do you have someone in your life that you’d like to have this type of conversation with?

25 Cats That Have The Most Unique Fur Patterns In The World


The Internet and cats go together like peanut butter and bananas. Meaning, the Internet is bananas over cats, ever since the I Can Haz Cheezburger days. We especially love crazy cat fur, unique fur that makes a cat look like no other.

1. Sinister But Handsome


2. A Friendlier Mustache


3. I’m Bat Cat


4. Concerned Cat is Concerned


5. What’s Wrong Kitty?


6. Adolf Kitler


7. Pls Pet At Teh Hart


8. Adorbs


9. Moar Adorbs


10. Heart Nose Kitten


11. Moar Heart Nose Kitteh


12. He Wears His Heart On His…Nevermind


13. Kitty Got Into the Hair Dye Again


14. The Tail Transplant Was Successful


15. Beautiful Swirly Crazy Cat Fur


16. Two-faced Cat


17. Hiding Behind A Mask


18. Not A Raccoon…


19. Who Doesn’t Love a Stripy Cat?


20. This Cat’s Got a Monkey On Its Back. Literally


21. A Cat, On A Cat


22. Can You See The Hidden Cat?


23. Tiny Widdle Top Hat


24. Reddit Star, Colonel Meow. All Fur. And Fury.

colonel meow

25. And a Cat Without Fur, Which is the Weirdest Fur of All

no fur

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Fight Club



Fight Club is hands-down one of the best films ever made. Released on September 10, 1999, Fight Club thrilled the imaginations of moviegoers everywhere.

The film is full of hidden gems that even some of the most hardcore fans would be interested to know. Here are our favorite 20 things you might not know about this iconic film…

1. This warning flashed at the very beginning of the movie


2. Brad Pitt looks right at Jared Leto when he says the word “rock star” during this scene. Jared Leto is in a pretty famous band called Thirty Seconds to Mars.


3. The breath in the cave scene is the same puff of movie magic used in Titanic.



4. Brad Pitt didn’t want his parents to see the film, but they really wanted to. They stopped watching after the acid scene.



5. In the pivotal scene where Tyler tells the narrator to hit him, Edward Norton was supposed to fake punch him. The director, David Fincher, secretly told Norton to punch him for real.


6. The water leaking down the walls in the Paper Street house is an homage to Blade Runner. It rains inside in both.



7. Helena Bonham Carter is only 5’2″, so she wore enormous shoes so the height discrepancy between Ed Norton (6′) and Brad Pitt (5’11”) wouldn’t be so great. She also had the makeup artist use her non-dominant hand (the left) to apply Marla’s makeup, because Carter thought that Marla wouldn’t care too much about making the makeup perfect.


8. In the scene where one of the “Durdenites” sprays a priest with a hose, the camera shakes because the cameraman is laughing so hard.


9. In one of the narrator’s hotel stays near the beginning of the movie, there’s a commercial for the hotel staff, featuring Brad Pitt.

bridgeforth suites

10. The official Fight Club font is called “fight this.”


11. Crew names can be seen behind the narrator’s haiku poems.


12. In the scene where the narrator is catalog shopping on the toilet, Edward Norton is actually naked from the waist down.


13. In addition to the “pillow talk” between Tyler and Marla that was edited, the studio wanted to cut the scene with the rubber glove. However, testing audiences liked it so much the director was able to keep it in.

rubber glove

14. When the narrator and Tyler ride the bus together, only one fare is collected. This is one of several hints throughout the movie regarding the twist at the end.


15. Another hint is when the narrator is in the phone booth and calls Tyler. He gets the answering machine, hangs up, and Tyler calls back. However, the phone clearly says “no incoming calls allowed.”

pay phone

16. Yet another clue occurs when Tyler and the narrator are hitting cars with baseball bats. Alarms don’t sound until Edward Norton’s character strikes a car. A bonus fact about this scene – both Brad Pitt and Edward Norton hated Volkswagen Beetles, so insisted on hitting one. Norton reportedly hated the throwback nostalgia items so prevalent in the 90’s.


17. Brad Pitt had a tooth chipped on purpose to play Tyler Durden.


18. Marla Singer’s phone number was the same as Terry’s in Memento.

grid-cell-20021-1389642524-21 grid-cell-20021-1389642525-23

19. To make Meatloaf’s “man tits” as realistic as possible, his fat suit was filled with bird seed and weighed over 100 pounds


20. There was an actual Marla Singer living in the United States when Fight Club was made, but only one. This caused a legal headache for the filmmakers, since that one Marla Singer could sue. Luckily, they worked it out.


Busted: Pilot Forgets To Turn Off Chemtrails And It’s Caught On Camera


Pilot Forgets to Turn of Chemtrails

Chemtrails, the subject of a theory where the trails an aircraft leaves in the sky are the result of biological or chemical agents, may be real. We have video proof!

This plane is still spraying WHATEVER it’s spraying when it lands. This video may be the first evidence of this widespread conspiracy theory. And maybe it’s not a conspiracy theory. The video may, in fact, prove that it’s true.

Sure, it’s foggy on this runway, but the presence of a substance being sprayed out of the plane is undeniable. Is the government behind this? Are things being sprayed into our atmosphere without our knowledge? The weather can’t explain what we see in the video above. This is not coming from the engines, it’s not coming from water coming off the wings. There are actual sprays of something coming out of sections in the backs of the wings.


We used to think it was pretty. But now it’s kinda freaky.

30 Broke College Students Who Prove They Are Brilliant


College students are usually pretty broke. They may have loans and grant money, and maybe even parents who pay their extras, but the money seems to disappear. Poof. No more money. These broke college students have used those smarts to come up with some interesting, sometimes hilarious, sometimes brilliant, solutions to everyday problems. Here are 30.

1. This Homemade Air Freshener

air freshener

We know plenty of college students who have less-than-fantastic housekeeping skills. This is a great solution. Smells like fresh linen!

2. This Clever Sneaking In Booze Trick

booze sneak

This guy has gone to great lengths to sneak booze into some event. I just hope you’re allowed to take food there, otherwise this was all for naught.

3. The Simple Chip Clip

chip clip

This is great until you start to open the bag and the pen shoots across the room like a missile.

4. A Substitute Coffee Pot

coffee pot hack

No whining indeed.

5. This Simple Way to Earn Extra Cash

condoms for sale

Vanilla flavored!?!?!?!

6. This Interesting Way to Cook Ramen

cook ramen

7. Another Way to Heat Up Dip


Great, as long as you never, ever, want to make coffee in it again.

8. A Great Way to Avoid Dish Duty

dish protector

This is actually really smart. We HATE doing dishes.

9. An Up-cycled Dust Pan

dust pan

Added bonus, the grease traps all the hairs and dust particles.

10. This Clever Use for a Hairdryer


We can see this working with some foods, but RICE? Really? It’ll go everywhere!

11. This Sleep-Anywhere Hack


“Oh don’t worry about me. I don’t need a table or chair. I brought my trusty travel hammock.”

12. A Great Way To Extend The Hand Soap

hand soap

No problems with this, other than the pink soap that smells kinda like puke.

13. This Cooking Hack


At least they had the presence of mind to put foil down to catch the drippings. And to use a metal, not plastic, hanger.

14. This Fantastic Utilization of the Dining Hall

milk girl

Our only question is how she fits a whole gallon of milk in a tiny dorm fridge.

15. This “Chair”

no time for chair

Makes you wonder – did he choose the box based on it’s size, or the chair parts inside it?

16. This Inventive Paper Towel Holder

paper towel holder

No objections to this.

17. Another Great Use for the Coffee Pot

pasta coffee

Because you don’t need the WHOLE piece of pasta cooked.

18. This DIY Pencil Holder

pencil holder

Just don’t try to pick it up and move it.

19. A Fantastic Way to Listen to Study Tunes

Phone Speakers

Earbuds + Coffee Mug = Study Dance Party.

20. An Interesting Way to Iron Your Clothes

pot iron

Who needs an iron?

21. One Way to Make Sure You Don’t Run Out of Toilet Paper

purloined tp

If they leave it out in the lecture hall bathroom, you’d better hope you have a backpack big enough to hold it.

22. The Broke College Student’s Mainstay


Interesting advertising placement. Maruchan Ramen and Natty Light. Breakfast of champions.

23. This Great Plan to Save on Toiletries

razor heads

If the “rest of the year” means “late fall into winter,” I’m right there with you.

24. A Creative Way to Hang Your Shower Curtain

shower curtain

Shower rungs are SO expensive.

25. This Comfortable Porch Furniture

stadium porch

Because you need comfortable seating when catcalling freshmen girls…

26. This Fantastic Pasta Strainer


Because nobody actually PLAYS tennis, right?

27. This DIY Trash Can

trash can

Works for me.

28. This Kitchen Art Installment

trash stack

It has to be an attempt at art. How would one go about actually dumping this into a bag?

29. An Engineer’s Mind at Work



30. And This Broke College Student’s Plea

window protectin

We like honest and to-the-point. Maybe we should all think about listing the contents of our cars for potential robbers. Mine would say “contains three empty CD cases, 29 half-empty water bottles and 3 yoga mats.”

Just because you’re a broke college student doesn’t mean you don’t have the smarts to live a life of ease. What are some of your cleverest ways to get by with little cash?

Would You Give A Cat A Bath? This Man Does And It’s Hilarious!


Some people say cats never have to be bathed. They say cats lick themselves clean. They say cats have a special enzyme of some sort in their saliva that works like new, improved Wisk – dislodging the dirt where it hides and whisking it away. I’ve spent most of my life believing this folklore. Like most blind believers, I’ve been able to discount all the facts to the contrary – the kitty odors that lurk in the corners of the garage and dirt smudges that cling to the throw rug by the fireplace.

The time comes, however, when a man must face reality; when he must look squarely in the face of massive public sentiment to the contrary and announce: “This cat smells like a port-a-potty on a hot day in Juarez.”

How To Give A Cat A Bath

When that day arrives at your house, as it has in mine, I have some advice you might consider as you place your feline friend under you arm and head for the bathtub:

Know that although the cat has the advantage of quickness and lack of concern for human life, you have the advantage of intelligence (hopefully). Capitalize on that advantage by selecting the battlefield wisely. Don’t try to bathe him in an open area where he can force you to chase him. Pick a very small bathroom. If your bathroom is more than four feet square, I recommend that you get in the tub with the cat and close the sliding-glass doors. (A simple shower curtain will not do. A berserk cat can shred a three-ply rubber shower curtain quicker than a politician can shift positions.)

Know that a cat has claws and will not hesitate to remove all the skin from your body. Your advantage here is that you are smart and know how to dress to protect yourself. I recommend canvas overalls tucked into high-top construction boots, a pair of steel-mesh gloves, an army helmet, a hockey face mask and a long-sleeve flak jacket.

Prepare everything in advance. There is no time to go out for a towel when you have a cat digging a hole in your flak jacket. Draw the water. Make sure the bottle of kitty shampoo is inside the glass enclosure. Make sure the towel can be reached, even if you are lying on your back in the water.

Use the element of surprise. Pick up your cat nonchalantly, as if to simply carry him to his supper dish. (Cats will not usually notice your strange attire. They have little or no interest in fashion as a rule. If he does notice your garb, calmly explain that you are taking part in a product-testing experiment for J.C. Penney.)

Once you are inside the bathroom, speed is essential to survival. In a single liquid motion, shut the bathroom door, step into the tub enclosure, slide the glass door shut, dip the cat in the water and squirt him with shampoo. You have begun one of the wildest 45 seconds of your life.

Cats have no handles. Add the fact that he now has soapy fur, and the problem is radically compounded. Do not expect to hold on to him for more that two or three seconds at a time. When you have him, however, you must remember to give him another squirt of shampoo and rub like crazy. He’ll then spring free and fall back into the water, thereby rinsing himself off. (The national record is – for cats – three latherings, so don’t expect too much.)

Next, the cat must be dried. Novice cat bathers always assume this part will be the most difficult, for humans generally are worn out at this point and the cat is just getting really determined. In fact, the drying is simple compared to what you have just been through. That’s because by now the cat is semipermanently affixed to your right leg. You simply pop the drain plug with your foot, reach for your towel and wait. (Occasionally, however, the cat will end up clinging to the top of your army helmet. If this happens, the best thing you can do is to shake him loose and to encourage him toward your leg.) After all the water is drained from the tub, it is a simple matter to just reach down and dry the cat.

In a few days the cat will relax enough to be removed from your leg. He will usually have nothing to say for about three weeks and will spend a lot of time sitting with his back to you. He might even become psychoceramic and develop the fixed stare of a plaster figurine.

You will be tempted to assume he is angry. This isn’t usually the case. As a rule he is simply plotting ways to get through your defenses and injure you for life the next time you decide to give him a bath. But, at least now he smells a lot better.

14 Signs Your Other Half Is Your Best Friend

The best relationships are when you are always the best of friends. Here is how to know when you’ve landed the real deal…

1. Never feeling self conscious around them. Even at your most rough (spot cream and top knot included) they can still make you feel beautiful.

2. They know all your deepest darkest secrets. Even the ones you thought you’d take to your grave. But the best bit? They never judged you and completely accepted you for the person you are (despite learning you may be a little bit crazy).


3. You trust them completely. There’s never any worry between the two of you because your bubble of love and friendship is so perfect, why ruin it?

4. The most boring tasks become so much more fun when they’re around. Housework? Updating your CV? All these errands are so much easier to do when they’re making your belly ache with laughter.

5. Thinking of your future together makes you feel all warm inside. Who knew buying household appliances and choosing paint samples could be so exciting?

6. Together, you’ve created the best memories. The result? Millions of private jokes, inside nicknames and countless ‘Remember when…’, all of which lead to fits of giggles when reminiscing.

7. You can communicate with looks. No words need to be spoken, you already know what they’re thinking.


8. You tell them EVERYTHING. No matter how embarrassing or how mundane the topic, it’s been discussed. Which, unfortunately for your friends, means you do not include your other half when you promise not to tell anyone. Sorry!

9. You completely support each other’s dreams. No matter how wild or unattainable they seem, you support each other endlessly and wish them all the success.

10. There are no boundaries. Popping spots, using their sleeve as a tissue when you cry, sharing a toothbrush… The weirder the love, the better.


11. You could never watch one of your shows without them by your side. No matter how amazing the cliffhanger of the last episode was, watching it wouldn’t be the same without snuggling them on the sofa and discussing the plot in great detail.

12. Even when everyone else is getting on your last nerve, you can always tolerate them. Somehow they always manage to snap you out of the worst moods.


13. You love their family and friends like you love your own. It’s like one big group of fuzzy happiness.

14. You’re a team and can tackle anything together. You’ve been through the tough times but always come out stronger.


This Dad Found A Wonderful Use For Restaurants And Schools’ Leftover Crayons

In 2013, Bryan Ware founded The Crayon Initiative, a nonprofit organization that repurposes old, used crayons into brand new crayons and distributes them to children’s hospitals.

Leftover Crayons 1

Ware collects old crayons from restaurants, schools, and day cares. He separates them by color and melts them down.

Leftover Crayons 2

Instead of the typical round shape of most crayons, Ware puts the wax into a triangular shape mold, which is easier to grip for small children and kids with special needs.

Leftover Crayons 3

The Crayon Initiative has donated more than 2,000 boxes of crayons to children’s hospitals.

Leftover Crayons 4

“From my perspective, the biggest goal is to give them an escape,” Ware told The Mighty. “I can’t even fathom what these kids are going through. If these crayons give them an escape from that hospital room for ten minutes, we did our job.”

Leftover Crayons 5

13 Annoying Texts Girls Receive When They’re Single

13 Annoying Texts Girls Receive

Being single can be one of the most fantastically fun and liberating parts of our lives. But along with it, we unfortunately have to deal with all kinds of crap coming from all kinds of people.

Here are our top picks of the unforgettable messages all single lady receive…

1. “Hey, how you doing?”.

After we’ve uploaded that awesome selfie where my eyebrow game is on point? Nah, leave…

2. “I have a free house this weekend…”

That old chestnut.

3. “Netflix and chill?”

netflix chill

4. “What’s the most you’re prepared to do with a boy?”

Okay, maybe this is more of a Year Ten ‘I wanna bang every moving object’ kind of guy, but let’s be honest, we’ve all had this gem.

5. “So Aaron has this really hot guy who seems kinda interested in you, he’s really nice”

You may be my bestie, but anyone associated with your arse of a boyf is a definite no no.

6. “hI are yoU tht giRk fr0n theer bBar the otter dau”

Ah, drunk texts on a Friday night.

7. “You are so beautiful. I mean wow, I will never have a chance with you. I’m so ugly and boring and way out of your league, I don’t know why I’m even bothering messaging you. I’m sorry, please just ignore I said anything!”

Okay, the most awkward sitch in the entire world just happened…

8. “You know your friend Lizzie? She’s really hot – do you have her number to pass on lol?”

Erm, excuse me?

9. “I haven’t spoken to you in a while 😉 wanna come round later?”

Can I vom now?

10. “Sorry about the other day, I thought I’d pressed send! I thought you were ignoring me haha!”

Too late, moved on, joker…

11. *ten minutes into the initial conversation* “So how many people have you slept with?”

I am an independent woman, and this is none of your goddamn business boy!

12. “Hey, do you work at the mall? I think I saw you in there the other day, at least I thought it was you. I haven’t seen you since school!”

Yeah b*tch it was, and damn right I’ve gotten super fine since year 11, you got that right. Shame you weren’t interested when I didn’t have tits, isn’t it?

13. “I don’t think we should talk anymore – I think we’re just not well suited. Sorry”

Nah babe, that’s okay. I know you slept with that girl at Jo’s party last week, before our ‘supposed’ date. News goes around fast. I’ve moved on honey, see ya!

Loyal Dog Doesn’t Let Anyone Touch Pregnant Mom’s Belly And It’s Hilarious!

Dogs are cuddly, protective and down right loyal. There’s nothing better than a dog who’s got your back and for the case of this mommy-to-be, this dog has got her belly!

They were beyond thrilled at the idea of the arrival of their first child that they decided to invite a few friends over to celebrate. They had no idea that a casual, fun night would turn into one to remember.

As guests filled their home with chatter and laughter, they began to notice their dog acting bizarre. He would growl under his breath and move in such a way as if he was ready to attack. It wasn’t until one guest got a little too close to mommy that they figured out what his deal really was.

As their friend reached over to touch her pregnant belly, the dog barked and leaped towards him defensively. It was his way of saying, “Back off!” Their dog wouldn’t let the friend or anyone else go near the expecting mommy, and while everyone laughed at the scene, the dog just growled in anger.

If this dog is so protective now, I can only imagine how he’ll be when the baby is born. Talk about loyalty!

Can You Pass English 101?


Can you pass English 101? Let’s see if you know the basics of English spelling and grammar!

Check back daily for new quizzes, jokes and fun!