Like many people, I’m totally addicted to Apple. I am always excited about the next product I can get my hands on, even if I have the previous model. If I could, I’d probably have my very own Apple shop in my house!
If you’ve dowloaded the latest major update of iOS recently, iOS 9, then you might want to check your phone bill because there’s a new feature that could send yours skyrocketing. The latest software update has had a bumpy launch and it is costing people with cheaper limited data plans tons of money. Here’s how to kick this problem for good…
With iOS9 the default setting ‘Wi-Fi Assist’ will automatically switch off your Wi-Fi and switch on 4G if the Wi-Fi you are using is too slow.

Obviously this is bad news if your data plan is limited. But don’t worry it’s simple to turn off just open up your settings…
Select ‘cellular’
Find ‘Wi-Fi assist’ hidden all the way at the bottom and swipe that bad boy right so that it is disabled.
And that’s it – we just saved you hundreds of dollars. Hope this helps!!