Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Couple Admitted Into ER After Mistaking Super Glue With Lube


New York — A Syracuse couple lived probably one of the most embarrassing moment ever reported in a hospital this year yesterday, after checking into ER, stuck to one another in an “explicit” position. Martha Weizman, 36, and Matthew Caleda, 41, had to call emergency services after accidentally mistaking industrial super glue for lubricant.

The couple attracted the attention of dozens of patients present at the time of the scene as soon as they arrived at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center. Even though paramedics tried covering the couple with blankets, the duo was visibly naked and stuck to one another in the “private” area.


A very delicate and complex surgery that lasted a little over 3 hours was needed to separate the couple, who luckily will be walking out of their misfortune more shaken than hurt, suffering only from minor injuries.

According to one of the paramedics called on scene, Caleda allegedly told them he was a passionate of architectural scaled models, and that in the rush of things, he accidentally took a tube of super glue instead of his lubricant tube, both having similar shapes. The couple would of noticed the mistake barely 30 seconds later, but it was already too late.


On a positive note, it’s only the second incident of this nature to occur so far this year in the great region of New York, a net improvement compared to the 27 couples to whom it happened to since 2013.

16 Things Only Daddy’s Girls Understand.


A girl’s dad is the first man she knows, and the one man she’ll compare all other men to. Daddys are our protectors, our teachers, and our first best friend. They save us from scary monsters, teach us to expect respect, and threaten any boy who refuses to give it.

Yep, Daddy is the most special guy. Here are 16 things us daddy’s girls know to be true:

1. Car Trouble? No Trouble.

car trouble
When it comes to the car, Dad’s got you covered. He carries jumper cables and anything else you might need, and he’s just a phone call away.

2. Dad’s Shirts. And Hats. And Boots

hats and boots

Nothing was better, when you were a tiny daddy’s girl, than wearing dad’s hat. Or his boots. Or his favorite shirt. Wearing something of dad’s was like wearing a super hero’s cape. It was a big honor, and nothing made you feel more powerful.

3. You Have the Same Sense of Humor

(ok, so that kid is a boy, but you get the picture)
From the beginning, nobody could make you laugh like your daddy. And nobody will ever be able to. Your dad is the funniest guy ever, so of course you think the same things are funny.

4. You Also Have The Same Taste In Food

Whether it’s trying curry for the first time, or digging into a can of Vienna Sausages, you’ll think it’s worth a try because HE likes it. And, you never know, you might like it too.

5. He Tells You That You’re Beautiful. And You Know He Means It.

Because to him, you are the most beautiful. Next to your mom, of course.

6. You Can Stay On The Phone For Hours

You call him to tell him something really quick, and he tells you a funny joke. Then, you try to tell him again, and he asks how you are. Hours go by and you’re still talking. That’s what dad can do.

7. He Teaches You Life Lessons

A good work ethic? Dad teaches you that. How to change a tire? Yep, that’s him too. What to get mom for Christmas? Yep, he knows. Listen to Dad.

8. You Would Never Date Someone He Didn’t Like

You might think about it, but when it really comes down to it, if Daddy doesn’t like him, neither do you. At least not for long.

9. He Rocks The Tie/T Shirt/Horrible Socks You Gave Him For Christmas

The beer tie seemed like a good idea when you were 13. Ten years later? He still wears it as a joke. But, it’s special to him. Because you gave it to him.

10. You Can Literally Do No Wrong

do no wrong
He will find everyone else to blame for something before he’ll blame you. He’s your greatest champion, after all.

11. He Has a Nickname Just For You

It might make no sense to anyone else, but that’s what private jokes are for.

12. He’ll Cover For You With Mom

He knows better than anyone what her pet peeves are. He’ll help you navigate them until you figure it out.

13. You Already Know The Song You’ll Dance To On Your Wedding Day

You’ve known since you were three. Really.

14. You’ll Never Meet A Guy As Great As Him

No matter what, no guy you’ll meet will quite meet up to the standards your dad sets. If you can find a guy half as good you’re doing well.

15. He Can’t Tell You No. Ever.

Just flash him the puppy dog eyes and he’s wrapped around your finger. And he won’t deny it, either.

16. You Have The Best Dad In The World.

best dad
Everybody’s else’s dad? They WISH they were as cool as your dad.

Paramedic Rants About Minimum Wage Increase, It Isn’t What You’d Think.


A paramedic posted a long and passionate rant on Facebook about the news that New York announced a minimum wage increase. Since he makes $15/hour, you’d expect him to be angry. What he posted, however, is not what you’d expect.

Paramedic FB Post

While it’s hard to imagine that the same person who splints your injured leg could make the same amount of income at the golden arches, it’s happening. What will more than likely follow is further redistribution of the massive wealth CEOs and other executives take home for doing none of the grunt work. At least, that’s what the hope is…

Jens’ Facebook post serves as a motivation to every other person who believes in the distorted view that fast food workers are somehow lesser; inferior to other professions, which is both cruel and very wrong. The argument shouldn’t be over who gets what, it should regard if people can even survive on their full-time job wage. People only want to work less and experience life, so could the NYC wage hike be the beginning of a massive change?

Deputy Shows Extreme Patience When Dealing With This Absurd Human Being.

This is disturbing on so many levels. This is the type of stuff police have to deal with on a daily basis and it is sickening.

While the video picks up during the middle of the traffic stop, what immediately becomes apparent is that the male driver is being detained for driving without a valid driver’s license. As the officer politely attempts to explain to the female passenger that she needs to exit the vehicle that is about to be towed, she quickly becomes indignant and refuses.

I certainly feel for these police officers, I wouldn’t have this kind of patience…

This Eagle Isn’t Thrilled About A Drone Flying Overhead And Takes Action

While humans talk and debate about how to deal with problems surrounding drones, birds take a more straightforward approach: dive bomb anything that looks like a threat. This eagle in Australia has launched the latest attack on the invasive species, successfully taking out a reconnaissance drone from Melbourne Aerial Video.

At first, the wedge-tailed eagle is just a speck in the distance, but by the time you notice it, it’s already too late. The eagle is fearless, flying straight at the drone with claws outstretched. While the camera remains functional, the drone plummets out of the sky, spinning dizzyingly before coming to rest on the forest floor, broken and alone.

Drone operators should heed this pilot’s warning: “If you see a bird of prey while flying. Land. I have added this to my operating procedure.”

These 24 Photos Were Taken By People Who Didn’t Know They Were Recording History.

Long before cameras were on every phone, these people were in the right place at the right time.

1. Disneyland employees in the cafeteria in 1961.


2. Annette Kellerman wears a fitted one-piece bathing suit in 1907. She was arrested for indecency.


3. Unidentified Vietnam solider in 1965.


4. Nikola Tesla in his lab with the magnifying transmitter.


5. Salvador Dali and Raquel Welch after he finishes his famous portrait of her in 1965.


6. Two men in a grotto of an iceberg during the British Antarctic Expedition in January 1911.


7. The last known photo of the Titanic above water in 1912.


8. Giant crowd converges for the first Woodstock in 1969.


9. The first underground train journey in London in 1862.


10. The Unbroken Seal on King Tut’s tomb in 1922. Before then, it had gone 3,245 years untouched.


11. Elvis Presley in the Army in 1958.


12. Two women deliver ice in 1918.


13. Baby placed in a cage outside the window of an apartment to ensure it gets enough sunlight in 1937.


14. A man measuring bathing suits on women to see if they would be fined in the 1920’s.


15. Workers painting the Brooklyn Bridge in 1914.


16. A 106-year-old woman guards her home in Armenia in 1990.


17. Woman with a gas-resistant baby carriage in England in 1938.


18. Animals used as medical therapy in 1956.


19. One man refuses to perform a Nazi salute in 1936.


20. Organizers attempt to physically remove Katherine Switzer from the Boston Marathon in 1967.


21. Painting of The Eiffel Tower in 1932.


22. The graves of a Protestant man and her Catholic wife in Holland in 1888.


23. Hannah Stilley, photographed in 1840. Being born in 1746, Stilley is probably the earliest born person ever photographed.


24. Customers at a music store in London in 1955.


BONUS: Utility lineman J. D. Thompson gives “Kiss of Life” which saves his co-worker in 1968


These 9 Guys With Unbelievably Smooth Moves Can Teach Us All A Lesson.

Have these guys mastered some smooth moves to seduce the ladies? I dunno, try your luck and tell me if this works. Please. Get back to me.

1. This guy who’ll never, ever be able to do that again

Guys With Unbelievably Smooth Moves-01

2. This kid who is starting the life of a baller early

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3. This guy who has mastered the recovery

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4. This guy who pulls off the belly flop with an almost impossible grace

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5. This lad who meant for that to happen, honestly

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6. This danceaholic who fooled us all with his cheeky pick up and throw

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7. Mark Henry, the legend. We can all learn smooth from this man

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8. This chap who’s so in the game, he was made by EA Sports

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9. This guy is still in practice…

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Man Lied To His Wife After Coming Home Drunk. Her Response Is Priceless.



Guys need to unwind, to find themselves in the company of other Y chromosomes, to be themselves and not worry about the consequences. Boys’ night out can take many shapes and forms, depending on whether you’re single, married or have entered the realm of fatherhood. Check out what happens to this man after a night with the boys…

The other night I was invited out for a night with the ‘guys.’ I told my wife that I would be home by midnight, ‘I promise!’

Well, the hours passed and the beers went down way too easily. Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, I headed for home.

Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hallway started up and cuckooed 3 times.

Quickly, realizing the wife would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times.

I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with her.

(Even when drunk as a skunk…. 3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals = 12 cuckoos = MIDNIGHT!)

The next morning my wife asked me what time I got in, I told her ‘MIDNIGHT’. She didn’t seem pissed off in the least. Whew, I got away with that one! Then she said ‘We need a new cuckoo clock.’

When I asked her why, she said, ‘Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said ‘oh sh*t,’ Cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another three times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the coffee table and farted.

Man Is Horrified to Find Dog Buried Alive. What’s Even More Disturbing Is What Was Buried With Her.


Pedro Dinis was out for a casual walk with his dog when he came across a horrifying scene — someone had buried a French mastiff alive and left it alone to die.

In a post on Facebook, Dinis described what he saw:

“[She] was cruelly buried alive, only her head was visible and it was difficult to see given the amount of earth covering her…”

Dinis called emergency services for help, and then quickly began digging the abandoned animal out:


Even Dinis’s own dog seemed to have sensed the mastiff’s distress, and attempted to comfort the traumatized animal:


It was only after removing some of the debris that the impromptu rescuer discovered a sickening detail — the mastiff’s collar was tied to a bag of gravel that had been buried, eliminating any chance of escape for the dog, AFP reports.


While waiting for help to arrive, Dinis did his best to comfort the abused animal:


The Telegraph reports that French police located the dog’s 21-year-old owner shortly after the incident, who claimed innocence and said the animal had run away on its own.

Police, however, do not believe this to be the case, stating:

“The dog is more than 10 years old and suffers from arthritis. It’s difficult to imagine her running away.”

The owner has since been taken into custody, and could face a two-year prison sentence as well as a hefty fine.

The “shocked and dehydrated” dog was rushed to a veterinary office, where she is currently recovering.

Tom Fletcher Sings ‘Baby’ With His Little Baby Buzz And We Can’t Even


As if we needed anymore reasons to be in love with Tom Fletcher, he’s now gone and made one of the most adorbs videos we’ve ever seen, and our insides are doing all the feels!

Featuring his ridiculously cute baby boy, Buzz, the pair duet to Justin Beibers ‘Baby’ and our ovaries just CAN’T TAKE IT!

“Ok, are you ready?” Tom asks a smiling Buzz, who’s holding a mini white guitar as they sit in their living room.

“Beh beh” he sings. Honestly. Just too cute…

Bravo Buzz, you could 100% give Justin a run for this money!

This Bride Picked Her Grandmother To Be A Bridesmaid, And She Was The Life Of The Party!

When planning your wedding, the last bridesmaid you would pick is your grandmother. But that was Christine Quinn’s first pick! The bride was happy to have her 89-year-old grandmother join in, dressed in a beautiful dress like the other bridesmaid and to join in on the party. You would probably least expect the grandmother to be the life of the party! Well, that’s what Nana Betty turned out to become! She stated she felt young that day, and cracked jokes the whole time! Christine has a close friendship with her grandmother. At the wedding, she stated her grandmother was joking and sharing words of wisdom with the other wedding guests.

Nana had so much energy, she went on the party bus with the wedding-goers! She danced the whole entire night. Christine recalls a time when Nana danced with her husband’s grandmother, Belsie. She described it as an adorable moment!

This is obviously a very amazing story. We can learn a lot from our grandmothers! Christine had the right idea to have her grandmother be a bridesmaid!

Nana was such an influence to the whole party, especially when she said this: “You’re only as old as you feel and I feel young today”!

We don’t how to change growing old, but you don’t have to grow up!

If you think this story about a grandmother bridesmaid is heartwarming then SHARE this with your FACEBOOK friends!

Group Shot


Nana isn’t shy to hang with the young people

Nana laughing


Her smile makes you smile

It’s sweeter seeing Christine with Nana than her husband


This became a celebration about Nana!!

Bride with her Bridesmaids


Because grandma is the true one who knows how to party.

31 Truths Of The Person Who is Always Tired


If you’re in college pulling all-nighters, you’re probably tired. If you don’t recover after a night or two of regular sleep, you’re someone who is, like, perpetually tired. Tired all the time. Maybe it has something to do with late night partying or studying. It could be the 3 in the morning Netflix binges. It could be because of insomnia. No matter what the cause, you’re tired all the time, and you can relate to every single one of these 31 true things:

1. I’m not lazy – I’M TIRED. If I don’t HAVE to get out of bed, I’m not going to.

Person Who is Always Tired 01

2. I will probably get hit with a brilliant idea…

3. …just as I’m falling asleep.

Person Who is Always Tired 02

4. It takes me a solid hour to actually wake up enough to know my own name.

5. Nap? Oh yeah.

6. Two hour nap? At least.

7. Five hour nap? Whoops. Yawn.


9. I can fall asleep on the toilet.

10. I really can sleep anywhere.

11. Yes the fan has to be on. All night. No matter what the weather.

12. Starbucks has replaced my blood AND my tears.

13. Depending on my motivation, I’ll either sleep through a morning class, or I’ll sleep through a morning class. Motivation = location.

Person Who is Always Tired 04

14. Even if I go to sleep at 8PM and wake up at 8AM, I’ll still be tired.

15. I can eat when I’m half asleep.

16. If it’s too hot in the room, I get sleepy.

17. If it’s too cold in the room, I get sleepy.

18. I have five different alarms set and I snooze through all of them, so that by the time I get up, alarms are going off every minute.

19. I will never, EVER, be on time. To anything.

20. Saturdays and Sundays are extended naptimes. Brunch? No.

21. I will spend $100 or more on sheets.

Person Who is Always Tired 03

22. I will spend money on a sound machine. Waves. Crickets. Whatever.

23. No, I did not hear the thunderstorm/sirens/zombie apocalypse last night.

24. That 8 billion watt bulb won’t keep me from sleeping.

25. I have been fined for drooling in library books.

26. There is no movie known that I won’t fall asleep during.

Person Who is Always Tired 05

27. I can’t believe that people go to things that start after 7PM.

28. I’m jealous of how my cat gets to sleep all the time.

29. I only have one eye open in more than half of my selfies.

30. The only thing that feels better than sleeping is yawning.

31. An especially active dream requires a nap as soon as possible.