She Puts A Hair Tie Around A Coffee Filter Then Dips It In Water. What It Turns Into Is Beautiful!



Jamie Petitto from the YouTube channel “Do It, Girl” has found a great homemade gift that you can give to a special someone in your life. As she says in the video, citizens of the United States spend over $2 billion on Mother’s Day ALONE on flowers. That’s a lot of cash!

So why not make some flowers instead to give your bouquet a more personal touch?

You are going to need some coffee filters, a pair of scissors, a pen or pipe cleaners, some strong tape, a rubber band and any form of adhesive. She offers you two different styles of flowers you can make. I like the first one called the “Bunch N Crunch,” but you might like to do things a little differently.

Just wait until you see the finished product. They come out amazing!