This One Minute Video Is The Most Beautiful Tribute To Robin Williams, And It’s A Must Share

Robin Williams tribute video

Robin Williams was one of the best and so missed. Perhaps the best tribute video I’ve seen and just a minute long. Tearing up…

One of the video commenters had this to say, and we thought it was worth sharing…

“I find myself hitting replay, over and over again. Listening to his voice, feeling like laughing at his joy, and crying at his sadness, all at the same time. I’m unable to believe that he’s actually gone. He shaped my life, and changed it in so many ways, making me forget all my troubles, if only for a moment. It changed me. I cant help but laugh along with him, staring at him smiling. I can’t help but smile along. He was so special. The fact that he could have all this pain, but still make people laugh, just saddens me. He soared through the clouds, he spoke for freedom, he fought an impossible fight, he survived years in the jungle, and now, he’s finally free. Free from the pain, free from everything he’s ever wanted to escape from. He’s gone. But Peter Pan is still here. Genie is still here. The museum’s president is still here. He left a legacy. Thank you, Robin Williams. Im going to miss you.”