When This Woman With Autism Tried To Hurt Herself, Her Dog Was There To Save The Day.


Danielle Jacobs was born with Asperger’s and doesn’t shy away from showing all of the pain that comes with it.

Asperger syndrome is a form of autism that makes it hard for someone to interact socially. People who suffer from the disorder often have compulsive behavior and are at risk for self-harm and social isolation.

Whenever Danielle starts having an episode and it appears she might harm herself, her therapy dog Samson is right beside her, ready to help.

Samson uses his paws to move Danielle’s hands and his face to redirect her attention. After only a few times, Samson is able to permanently redirect her attention to him and she begins to calm down.

You can see Samson’s love for Danielle and his desire to keep her safe. He has been trained to recognize when his owner needs help and he is very good at his job!


Danielle chose to film this moment in the hopes that her vulnerability would be able to help someone else who might be struggling with the same thing.