She Is Asked A Huge Favor By A Dying Friend, The Reason She Can’t Refuse Is Heartwarming.


Laura Ruffino and Elizabeth Diamond were BFFs. Lizzy always said to Laura, “If anything ever happens, I want you to take care of my girls.” Then Lizzy got diagnosed with stage-four brain cancer, and Laura didn’t hesitate to make good on her promise.

This is Lizzy, with her precious daughters

lizzy and girls

And this is Lizzy and Laura during Lizzy’s brave battle against cancer

team lizzy

Lizzy’s pretty daughters

Lizzys girls

Laura and her husband already had two daughters, but when Lizzy passed in April of 2015, they welcomed Lizzy’s family into their family, doubling the size!

whole family

And despite the obvious financial challenges and circumstantial changes, they couldn’t be happier to make them a part of their family.


Obviously, this has created a financial situation for the Ruffino-Diamond clan, but their Orchard Park, NY community rallied together to raise $80,000 to help out.


If you want to help out the family, visit their YouCaring Page.