Dog Guards Owner Bike


A golden retriever has become something of a local celebrity in China for his habit of guarding his owner’s bicycle. Luo Wencong does not need to buy a bike lock as his dog, Li Li, keeps such a close eye on his two-wheeler. Locals in Nanning, capital of Guangxi Province, has renamed Li Li ‘Bike Hugging Dog’ because of his unusual habit.

Lua says Li Li is so clever that he can also count, carry baskets of shopping and take out the rubbish. “Whenever I park up my bike, he wraps his forelegs around it to prevent it from being stolen,” he said. “He’s such a clever dog. I talk with him all the time, and he understands me quite well.”Li Li also helped with the shopping and took out the rubbish every night, taking it downstairs and to a bin 200 metres away. “Someone once offered me 10,000 Yuan (£1,000) to buy him, but I refused,” added Luo.

Source: youtube