The Internet and cats go together like peanut butter and bananas. Meaning, the Internet is bananas over cats, ever since the I Can Haz Cheezburger days. We especially love crazy cat fur, unique fur that makes a cat look like no other.
1. Sinister But Handsome

2. A Friendlier Mustache

3. I’m Bat Cat

4. Concerned Cat is Concerned

5. What’s Wrong Kitty?

6. Adolf Kitler

7. Pls Pet At Teh Hart

8. Adorbs

9. Moar Adorbs

10. Heart Nose Kitten

11. Moar Heart Nose Kitteh

12. He Wears His Heart On His…Nevermind

13. Kitty Got Into the Hair Dye Again

14. The Tail Transplant Was Successful

15. Beautiful Swirly Crazy Cat Fur

16. Two-faced Cat

17. Hiding Behind A Mask

18. Not A Raccoon…

19. Who Doesn’t Love a Stripy Cat?

20. This Cat’s Got a Monkey On Its Back. Literally

21. A Cat, On A Cat

22. Can You See The Hidden Cat?

23. Tiny Widdle Top Hat

24. Reddit Star, Colonel Meow. All Fur. And Fury.

25. And a Cat Without Fur, Which is the Weirdest Fur of All