A Soldier Dog Was Killed. Watch What Baggage Handlers Do With His Casket.

K9 Casket handled with respect

If you’ve ever traveled on an airline before, you know the amount of abuse your luggage can suffer. With hundreds and thousands of bags to process, airline baggage handlers can unfortunately be less-than-respectful with luggage sometimes. But before you pass final judgement, you’ll want to see this story that will most definitely pull at your heart strings.

Meet this group of airline employees and baggage handlers known as the Delta Honor Guard in Atlanta, GA. They gather on the tarmac as a Fallen Soldier and his K9 bodies arrive home. The Honor Guard holds a ceremony as the caskets are transferred onto the plane. As you watch the video, notice the people watching in awe from inside the terminal above.

The smaller coffin contains the soldier’s K9 partner who was trained to find IEDs.

Thank you, Delta, for the respect you showed to these Fallen Heroes.