The most interesting criminals are always the intelligent, cunning ones. John Mogan from Ohio is the complete opposite. He’s an idiot.
Him and his girlfriend Ashley Duboe, 24, were charged with the robbery of a bank in Ashville, a town 20 miles south of Columbus, Ohio.
Mogan walked into the bank and handed over a note demanding money, which the teller then handed to him. This being a bank, the footage was caught on security cameras, and clearly shows Mogan in a hood.

What’s worse is the man had just been released from prison after serving a five-year stretch for a previous bank heist.
Super keen to quickly return to jail, just a few days after the Ashville robbery he uploaded these pictures to Facebook of himself holding huge wads of cash.
Someone then commented on the photo saying as they were displeased that Mogan “didn’t hook a brother up.” To which the reply was “that’s called a McStack, I got six bands bra real sh*t n*gga, I’m doing rrree=aaaaalll good.”
Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t long before police latched on to this and the two wound up behind bars.
Mogan and Duboe, seen in the above mug shots, have now been charged with robbery and theft, and are locked up in lieu of $250,000 bond in the Pickaway County jail.