Mystery As Weird 50ft-Long Sea Creature Washes Up On Beach

mystery creature beach

Some sort of “sea creature” has washed up on a beach and no-one knows what the heck it is…? What remains of the carcass was found in Indonesia’s central Maluku province and, to be honest, I have absolutely no idea what this could be either. Locals and authorities are just as confused as they try and figure out wtf it can be.

People started sharing pictures of the carcass (which was still bleeding) on Wednesday. The 50ft-long beast was initially believed to be a boat by locals before they realized it was some kind of creature.

Credit: YouTube/Patasiwa Kumbang Amalatu

The whole scene prompted a military response as troops were called in to help clear it all away, reports the Sun.

There were a few local reports that claimed fishermen were saying that it was a giant squid. The thing is, giant squids are thought to only grow up to 43ft for females and 33ft for males.

However, a coordinator of Indonesia’s Marine and Coastal Resources Management said it was likely to be a whale. A whale?! That thing doesn’t look anything like a whale. I’m calling it as an alien.

Some samples have been taken of the creature and sent off to a laboratory to attempt to identify the species so hopefully it won’t be too long until this mystery is solved.