Jealous Cat Claws Owner’s Boyfriend to Death



The parents of a deceased young man are suing their son’s girlfriend because they claim her “over-jealous” cat killed their son, reports the Ohio Telegram this week.

The family are suing for 10,000 dollars to cover for the funeral costs and “just plain want the animal dead”.

The autopsy of the young man clearly showed the involvement of the young woman’s cat in the death of their son as the victim is described as having suffered from suffocation, as well as deep claw marks found embedded in the man’s skin tissue and abnormal quantities of cat hair in the man’s oesophagus clearly link the cat to the death of the victim, revealed the detailed coroner’s report.


“I never liked that cat, with his mischievous look, I just never trusted the damn creature” the victim’s mom told reporters. “I just can’t believe the darn beast killed our little Billy” she cried out, covering her tear-ridden face. “I just want the damn animal dead for Billy’s sake” she added in agony.

Several complaints had also been filed by nearby neighbours to the local authorities concerning a number of dead squirrels found in the area and including a recent attack on a pet chihuahua which caused severe injuries and a total of $700 in veterinary bills.

“Since the attack last august, Chichi has never been the same” admits John Crawford, the neighbour of the victim. “He’s lost most of his eyesight in his left eye and he’s been very depressed since the incident. He won’t even play ball anymore” he acknowledged.

A history of violence

The cat’s violent history is far from new as the victim had been attacked several times by the infamous cat, to the point where he eventually had to sleep in his own room.

“I never expected our relationship to finish like this” admitted the victim’s girlfriend in tears. “Billy was my soul mate, but I’ve had Whiskers for so long now, I just couldn’t get rid of her like that” she explained, visibly distraught by the whole affair. “I still can’t convince myself to letting her go, I just can’t believe she would do such a horrible thing” she expressed in disbelief.

The victim’s best friend, Anthony Mayers, says the incident could have been prevented.

Anthony Mayers

“Billy would call me up crying, saying the cat was making his life a living Hell” he told local reporters. “He even told me weeks before his death he was scared the cat was going to kill him” he remembers. “I just wouldn’t listen, I thought he was smoking drugs or something, that he was just being paranoid, but he was telling me the truth” he admitted with regret. “I could have saved his life if I had only listened” he explained in utter disbelief.

“This cat has suffered some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder which could explain its violent behavior and with proper treatment, hopefully she can learn to transcend this dangerous and asocial behavior” explains ASPCA spokeswoman, Janet Cheyenne.

Over 4,000 Americans die each year choked by their domestic animal, estimates a recent 2015 Association for the Prevention of Domestic Pet Violence (APDPV).