This Homeless Dad Is On The Street With His Daughter. How People Treat Them? UNBELIEVABLE!


If you’ve ever walked down a busy street, chances are, you may have encountered a homeless person. More often than not, these people are ignored as we pass them by — many of us have even been taught from a young age to avoid making eye contact. However, it’s hard to think that anyone could pass by a homeless man and his daughter and not want to help — but that’s exactly what happened when Colby Persin did a social experiment on the streets of New York.

Colby wanted to see what type of homeless person New Yorkers were more likely to give to — a man asking for money for his family, or a man asking for money for drugs and alcohol.

The results were shocking!

When Colby pretended to be a homeless drug addict, the donations came pouring in. However, when he pretended to be a homeless father, not one person stopped to help. That is, until another homeless woman walked by and did something that broke my heart — leaving us with an important message. “Sometimes those that have less, are the ones who give more.”