This Guy Proposes Using Custom-Made Monopoly Board, And It’s Everything!

Guy Proposes Using Custom-Made Monopoly Board

Christmas morning, 2014, was one of the more unusual days for Michal Ott. Michal was currently dating Justin Lebon, having met on the dating website One oddity is they grew up together on the same street as friends, but didn’t start dating until the meeting. Though they were both in California, Lebon knew they were closer to the Boardwalk than Michal could ever imagine.

Lebon created a unique way to propose to Michal by hiring wood worker Mark Becker and having him create a Monopoly board. But this was no ordinary board. It had a secret compartment (for the ring), street names that were customized for Michal, loaded dice, and a “Chance” card especially created for the occasion.

monopoly board

The Monopoly Board Wrapped for Christmas Morning

wrapped monopoly board

“Michal unwraps the present and she sees the board game and says ‘a monopoly board!’”

board opened up

The dice were created to only roll a “7” so after setting up the board Michal went first.

So She Rolled While the Cat Looked On

board with cat

She took the top card off the Chance pile and it said, “Will you marry me? If the answer is yes, advance to Luxury Tax”


Michal moved her piece, and under the Luxury Tax spot on the board was the secret compartment

secret compartment

Lebon took the ring and proposed. She said yes!

she said yes

All the best to the happy couple!

the happy couple