This Is All You Need in Life: Grilled Mac & Cheese in Shots of Tomato Soup.


Someone posted the most incredible idea online today, and it’s quickly going viral. Simply put some Mac & Cheese in a grilled cheese sandwich, cut into neat triangles, and serve in shot glasses of tomato soup. The results? Astounding.

All you need for the best snack in your life: Mac & Cheese, some good bread, and shot glasses of tomato soup.


The Macaroni is optional – you can even use just plain grilled cheese too.


Just remember: use good bread, cut it in triangles, and no matter how bad you fail, at least you’ll do better than these people did.


OMG, that first picture though… it’s… it’s… perfect! All I can say is: Why didn’t we think of this before? I can’t wait to try this next time I have people over! Mmmmmmm…