Biker Saves A Badly Burnt Cat, And Now His Adventure Begins

Biker Finds A Badly Burnt Cat

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Motorcyclist Pat Doody doesn’t look like the kind of person who would carry a tiny kitten inside his jacket.

However, we all know to never judge a book by its cover – and this story really is the perfect example of why we shouldn’t.

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“I was coming back from Born Free in California, and we had made it to Nevada. I was at this truck stop getting gas, and this little guy just needed help. He was pretty badly burned, so I picked him up and tucked him inside my vest.”
Pat told Revzilla

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Some evil b*stard had seriously abused this kitten and left it to die. Well, Party Cat (as it has now be named) is now having the time of its life.

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Pat and his cat now travel up and down the country, enjoying each other’s company and generally just being awesome.

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Pat is from New Jersey, but is travelling around Ohio at the moment.

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“He’s sort of living on the road until we get home. He’s been eating tuna fish out of those dry-foil packs you can buy, and his burns are pretty much all healed up except for the little spot on his lip. He’s so chill. He just hangs out in my vest when we get on the road. I’ve never met a cat so calm.”
Pat Doody

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Rock on, Party Cat.