Funny Pics 24 Reasons Husbands Can’t Be Trusted To Do Anything Right By Kera Osborne - Jan 13, 2014 0 2215 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp 1. They should never be asked to fold fitted sheets. 2. They should never be left to take care of infants. 3. For real… 4. They should never be left alone near rivers, especially if there are children around. 5. They should never be put in charge of making the lattice for your apple pie. 6. They should never be left in charge of the house or kids. 7. They should never be asked to watch the baby. 8. They should never be given access to googly eyes. 9. They should never be left alone with feminine products. 10. They should never be in charge of pest control. 11. They should never be responsible for decorating Anniversary cakes. 12. They should never be allowed to wrap the Christmas presents. 13. They should never be allowed to pump the gas. 14. They should never be left in charge of lunch for tomorrow. 15. They should never be allowed near poetry fridge magnets. 16. They should never be left in charge of the calendar. 17. They should never be in charge of cleaning the shower. 18. They should never be in charge of dressing the kids. 19. They shouldn’t be allowed to design your mutual credit card. 20. They should never be given access to label makers. 21. They should never be allowed on Pinterest. 22. They should never have a credit card in the presence of ice cream. They’ll just use it as a spoon. 23. They should never be in charge of naming new puppies. 24. They should never be told that they’re not allowed to drink beer near the new carpet.