These 20+ Cats Don’t Care About Your Personal Space

20 Cats Don't Care About Your Personal Space

These cats don’t care about your personal space. While some owners resort to shaming, in their heart of hearts, they know it’s ineffective and will probably just result in an act of revenge. Cats don’t have any concept of personal space and they will be sure to remind you of this with every chance they get.

Let this list serve as a warning to those of you who are considering a feline companion: cats are not your friends…

1. Teemo Trying To Get My Attention While Working

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2. It’s Become A Morning Routine

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3. This Is A Perfect Place For Me To Sit

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4. On The Internet Nobody Knows You’re A Cat, Nobody!

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5. No Privacy At All

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6. Every Morning When I Brush My Teeth

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.7 Spoiler Alert: The Main Character Dies. Now Rub My Tummy

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8. The Pharaoh Personally Supervised His Slaves On Building His Pyramid

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9. No Cat Understands Personal Space

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10. Now That’s What I’m Tolkien About

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11. You No Study, You Play With Pebbles

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12. This Is How My Kitten Likes To Ride In The Car

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13. Too Tired To Care

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14. I’ll Just Lay Here

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15. Oh Hi! Were You Reading?

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16. First Time Being Watched In The Shower By A Non-Person

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17. Tried To Snap A Pic Of The Cat Snuggling My Head And Ended Up With This

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18. This Is What Happens When I Try To Study

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19. My Cat Doesn’t Understand The Concept Of Personal Space

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20. You Will Have No Alone Time. Ever.

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21. Almost 6 Months Old And Still A Daily Ritual

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22 My Cat Chooses Some Very Annoying Places To Sleep

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23 Are You Really Going To Write That?

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