19 Cats Taking Naps To A Whole New Level. I Can’t Handle The Cuteness.

Cats Taking Naps To A Whole New Level

As a dog owner, I’ve always been intrigued by the behavior of cats. After seeing these pictures, I’ve learned at least one thing for sure: They’re super cute when they fall asleep with dogs!

1. One Sleepy Kitten + One Sleepy Puppy = 2 Cute!

cats taking naps to a whole new level

2. This Is The Perfect Perch For Sleeping

cats taking naps to a whole new level

3. Wow, This Bed Is So Roomy!

cats taking naps to a whole new level

4. This Is What It Looks Like When Dog & Cat Fall Asleep Mid-Chase

cats taking naps to a whole new level

5. Zzz… Zzz… Zzz…

cats taking naps to a whole new level

[Tweet “CAT RULE #2: Get plenty of sleep so you can play at 4 a.m.”]

6. Talk About Sleeping Safe & Sound

cats taking naps to a whole new level

7. Ahhh… This Looks Like A Good Spot For A Nap

cats taking naps to a whole new level

8. What A Comfy Double Bed

cats taking naps to a whole new level

9. Hey, We Match… I think I’ll Sleep Here

cats taking naps to a whole new level

10. The Sleeper Hold

cats taking naps to a whole new level

[Tweet “Cat: Animal that proves eating and sleeping is not ALL bad.”]

11. Is This What A Hug Is Supposed To Look Like?

cats taking naps to a whole new level

12. He Could No Longer Resist Her Affection

cats taking naps to a whole new level

13. Favorite Sleeping Nook

cats taking naps to a whole new level

14. Second Favorite Sleeping Nook

cats taking naps to a whole new level

15. Snuggles all around!

cats taking naps to a whole new level

[Tweet “Cat bumper sticker: Life is hard, then you nap.”]

16. Hey, There’s A Great View From Up Here!

cats taking naps to a whole new level

17. Mom, The Cat’s Been Sleeping On Me For Hours. Can I Move Now?

cats taking naps to a whole new level

18. Sleeping In The Shade

cats taking naps to a whole new level

19. That Ride Was Fun… I Think I’ll Rest Here Now.

cats taking naps to a whole new level