Bird shaming is a very effective form of keeping your birds well behaved! OK, not really. But it does make for some hilarious photos.
1. Such an efficient machine.

2. Try harder, bird.

3. That is dangerous!

4. Hey, who doesn’t?

5. Certified psychopath.

6. The Regina George

7. His aim is true.

8. Bullying is wrong!

9. Such a jerk.

10. Nothing shameful in this one…

11. Not his problem

12. Hey, if I had a nickel…

13. Every great artist has a signature!

14. Well sure, can you blame him for wanting to keep things sanitary?

15. Revenge is a dish best served by a bird.

16. The mouth of a sailor…

17. Wreck-It Ralph post card? Probably needed to go, anyway.