If you’ve visited Yahoo Answers before, you probably have noticed that between all the useful Q&A you can spot every now and them some really dumb questions.
We had so much fun posting 13 Hilariously Dumb Yahoo Questions, that we wanted to laugh even more!
1. 60 Seconds and 1 minute aren’t really that same?

2. Do midgets have night vision?

3. Are skeletons real or made up?

4. If I eat myself would I become twice as big or disappear completely?

5. How can I prevent my boyfriend from finding out I poop?

6. I swallowed an ice cube whole, and I haven’t pooped it out?

7. Are there birds in Canada?

8. Are there any autographs of Jesus Christ?

9. Is the hunger games based on a true story?

10. I don’t know if my daughter is mine?

11. How turn computer monitor into mirror?

12. How am I sure I’m the real Mom of my kid?

13. Can I safely look at a picture of the sun?