13 Annoying Texts Girls Receive When They’re Single

13 Annoying Texts Girls Receive

13 Annoying Texts Girls Receive

Being single can be one of the most fantastically fun and liberating parts of our lives. But along with it, we unfortunately have to deal with all kinds of crap coming from all kinds of people.

Here are our top picks of the unforgettable messages all single lady receive…

1. “Hey, how you doing?”.

After we’ve uploaded that awesome selfie where my eyebrow game is on point? Nah, leave…

2. “I have a free house this weekend…”

That old chestnut.

3. “Netflix and chill?”

netflix chill

4. “What’s the most you’re prepared to do with a boy?”

Okay, maybe this is more of a Year Ten ‘I wanna bang every moving object’ kind of guy, but let’s be honest, we’ve all had this gem.

5. “So Aaron has this really hot guy who seems kinda interested in you, he’s really nice”

You may be my bestie, but anyone associated with your arse of a boyf is a definite no no.

6. “hI are yoU tht giRk fr0n theer bBar the otter dau”

Ah, drunk texts on a Friday night.

7. “You are so beautiful. I mean wow, I will never have a chance with you. I’m so ugly and boring and way out of your league, I don’t know why I’m even bothering messaging you. I’m sorry, please just ignore I said anything!”

Okay, the most awkward sitch in the entire world just happened…

8. “You know your friend Lizzie? She’s really hot – do you have her number to pass on lol?”

Erm, excuse me?

9. “I haven’t spoken to you in a while 😉 wanna come round later?”

Can I vom now?

10. “Sorry about the other day, I thought I’d pressed send! I thought you were ignoring me haha!”

Too late, moved on, joker…

11. *ten minutes into the initial conversation* “So how many people have you slept with?”

I am an independent woman, and this is none of your goddamn business boy!

12. “Hey, do you work at the mall? I think I saw you in there the other day, at least I thought it was you. I haven’t seen you since school!”

Yeah b*tch it was, and damn right I’ve gotten super fine since year 11, you got that right. Shame you weren’t interested when I didn’t have tits, isn’t it?

13. “I don’t think we should talk anymore – I think we’re just not well suited. Sorry”

Nah babe, that’s okay. I know you slept with that girl at Jo’s party last week, before our ‘supposed’ date. News goes around fast. I’ve moved on honey, see ya!