Obese Woman Arrested For Starving Her 7 Kids: “There Was Only Enough Food For Me”…

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Obese Woman Arrested

A disturbing report is coming out of that Baton Rouge, Louisiana this morning that tells the story of 27-year-old Lakisha Connors who reportedly starved her children nearly to death. The 27-year-old mother of 7 was arrested on Thursday evening when neighbors called police and said they saw extremely unhealthy looking children digging through the trash cans on the side yard. When police arrived and knocked on the door, they were greeted by three-year-old Amonte Connors and five-year-old Dante Connors who let them into the home. Authorities say they found the Lakisha Connors passed out on the couch.

“The house was disgusting, probably the worst I’ve ever seen,” said police chief Ronnie Hernandes. “When we enter the home, we found seven children who looked extremely malnourished. In addition to that there was a lock on the refrigerator and all nonperishable foods were locked in a huge wooden makeshift storage container in the mother’s bedroom.”

Neighbors say that Connors moved into this rental home about six weeks ago.

“Lakisha just moved in not too long ago. This was the first time I had ever seen any children!” said a neighbor who wishes to stay anonymous. “But we see her almost every day coming into the house with groceries. So for her children to be starting like that was absolutely shocking!”

Authorities on the scene say when Lakisha was awoke by the police, she was very combative. “We pulled her up off the couch and asked her to explain herself,” said Hernandes. “When asked why her children were in this condition, Lakisha plainly said, without any remorse, ‘There was only enough food for me! Them kids get on my nerves. But they eat, they eat my scraps. I’m a big girl I need more than them!’”

The 7 children, whose ages range from 1 to 11 years of age, were taken into protective custody by Child Protective Services.

Lakisha is currently being held on a $500 bond.