These 9 Guys With Unbelievably Smooth Moves Can Teach Us All A Lesson.


Have these guys mastered some smooth moves to seduce the ladies? I dunno, try your luck and tell me if this works. Please. Get back to me.

1. This guy who’ll never, ever be able to do that again

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2. This kid who is starting the life of a baller early

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3. This guy who has mastered the recovery

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4. This guy who pulls off the belly flop with an almost impossible grace

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5. This lad who meant for that to happen, honestly

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6. This danceaholic who fooled us all with his cheeky pick up and throw

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7. Mark Henry, the legend. We can all learn smooth from this man

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8. This chap who’s so in the game, he was made by EA Sports

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9. This guy is still in practice…

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