LOL: 10 Steps To Perfecting A Realty Show Poster


The Real Housewives of Miami - Season 3

1. Gather a group of frenemies in front of either a solid background or a fancy extravagant living room.

2. Make sure every type of woman is accurately represented, including each of the following: “The Sweet One,” “The Bad Girl,” “The Wild Chick” and “The How Did She Get On This Show?”

3. Choose a style of dress for the group. Your options are:

A.) Tight with cleavage
B.) Tight and leggy
C.) Tight with cutouts
D.) All of the above

4. Assign at least one woman in the group to wear a bandage dress, also known as THE international reality show dress.

5. Don’t forget your Spanx! Not that you actually needed them with all the Photoshopping that’ll be done.

6. Make sure a majority of the women in your photo are wearing hair extensions. Keep at least one bottle of painkillers within reach for the headaches… and for the fun!

7. Put everyone in a pair of tall, sexy heels that only circus performers could realistically walk in.

8. Now it’s time for the arranging of the photo. Choose from:

A.) Standing in a slightly staggered row with your perfectly toned arms near or around each other, as if you actually like each other.

B.) Have some stand while others sit with their hands gently placed on their lap making sure not affect their perfectly toned arms.

9. Choose your pose. For best results go for the official hands on hips reality show pose. For those sitting, use the uncomfortable, yet effective, pageant style leg cross.

10. Pick a face. You can show off those EXTRA pearly whites (thanks to your plastic surgeon husband) or go for the pouty, serious look. Just make sure that whatever you choose, it’s an unnatural, trying to be sexy look.

If any of our fans are wild & crazy enough to make your own reality show poster, send it to us and we’ll share them on our website!